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Criminal Defense Lawyer in Absecon, NJ

Former Prosecutor, now fighting for YOU in the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

Certified Criminal Trial Attorney

Experienced for over 35 years

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Former State Prosecutor Vigorously Protects the Rights of Clients Charged with Crimes in Absecon, NJ

If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges or a DUI or DWI in Absecon, you may be scared and overwhelmed. After all, your job, your reputation, and even your freedom are all at stake. Don’t trust your criminal case to just any criminal defense attorney. You need to contact an attorney who will leave no stone unturned as he builds your defense strategy. 

Absecon Criminal Lawyer, John W. Tumelty will seek to discredit witness accounts and contest the evidence against you. He will investigate your case to see if the police made any mistakes and to determine whether your constitutional rights were violated. And he will fight for you in the courtroom.

Attorney John W. Tumelty is a former prosecutor who understands how prosecutors in Atlantic County, Cape May County, and Ocean County build their cases. He will put that experience to work defending you against your criminal charges.

Mr. Tumelty offers free consultations 24/7 for anyone facing any of the following criminal charges in Absecon:

  • Drug Charges: Heroin, marijuana, cocaine, simple possession or possession with the intent to distribute, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of illegal prescription medications.
  • Juvenile Defense: Possession of a fake ID, drug possession, shoplifting, possession of a fake ID, and underage drinking.
  • Casino Crimes: Underage gambling, casino theft, cheating scams, assault, disorderly conduct, and criminal trespass in casino hotels.
  • DUI / DWI Charges and Traffic Violations: DUI, DWI, breath test refusal, speeding, and reckless driving.
  • Sex Crimes: Prostitution, sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, child pornography, sexting, and Megan’s Law issues.
  • Assault: Aggravated assault, fighting offenses, simple assault, and vehicular assault.
  • Theft and Fraud Offenses: Burglary, shoplifting, robbery, check fraud, credit card fraud, and receiving stolen property.
  • Gun & Weapons Offenses: Unlawful possession of many different kinds of weapons, including handguns, BB guns, Airsoft guns, and paintball guns.
  • White Collar Crimes: Computer crimes, embezzlement, forgery, ID theft, and business fraud.
  • Domestic Violence: Restraining order defense, spousal abuse, harassment, and stalking.

Absecon Criminal lawyer,  John Tumelty represents clients in the Atlantic County Superior Court and in municipal courts throughout Atlantic County, NJ.

Facing Criminal Charges in Absecon, NJ? Contact a Successful Criminal Defense Attorney Who Will Fight for You

You are not alone. Mr. Tumelty will answer your questions, explain your charges and your rights, and get to work defending you against your criminal charges. Contact our offices 24/7 to discuss your charges with a criminal defense and DUI / DWI lawyer you can trust.

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