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Mr. Tumelty represented Helena Hendricks, who was charged with first degree murder in Atlantic County Superior Court. The defendant faced a number of additional charges, including armed robbery, conspiracy and possession of a handgun for an unlawful purpose. At the conclusion of a jury trial that lasted three weeks, the defendant was found "not guilty" of all charges.

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DNA Tests – The Perfect Gift for Innocent Criminals

dna testing is the perfect gift for the innocent, this photo shows a DNA strand as well as a pair of hands holding a small gift with a prison in the background.

The holidays are here, odds are you or someone you may know is gifted a DNA testing kit this year. DNA tests have been becoming a really popular way to learn more about yourself and your family history, but a neat holiday gift isn’t all these tests are good for.

Imagine being accused of a crime that you didn’t commit and actually having to pay the price for it. While the aim of all court systems is to make sure that innocent people don’t end up in jail, the US Judicial System isn’t always 100%. Innocent people go to jail – thanks to poorly demonstrated defense or lack of evidence.

In recent years, DNA testing and other incredibly exciting high tech tools have exonerated many wrongly incarcerated defendants. The Innocence Project states that there have been over 360 DNA exonerations in the U.S.

The Daily News stated the Monmouth County prosecutor’s office was forced by state courts to explain why it is failing to perform DNA testing out people who have been charged with crimes. Further, courts, as well as state legislators, are wondering why prosecutors are so unwilling to test people who are already behind bars.

It may mean more work for law enforcement in the end, but the fairness of freeing innocent people who can be exonerated with DNA testing trumps having to reopen a case and search again for the true perpetrator.  It is possible to get exonerated for a crime that you did not commit and to have a record expunged if you are proven innocent. However, in order to do that, you will need a fearless lawyer to fight on your behalf, and you also will need to be willing to submit to DNA tests to show that you weren’t the one who did it.

Talk To An Experienced Attorney

John W. Tumelty is an experienced criminal defense attorney in southern New Jersey. He will craft a defense strategy to help you get the justice you deserve. Mr. Tumelty is available 24/7 for an in-person consultation.  

Call 609-385-4010 Or Fill Out The Contact Form To Request A Free Consultation With John Tumelty

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