Home-Based Gun Shops in New Jersey
Rising concerns during this time have caused many reactions across our state, region, and nation. Empty aisles in supermarkets with everyday items like toilet paper and bottles of water are nearly impossible to find. Whether it is panic or precaution, we find ourselves purchasing the essentials we feel we need to stay comforted and, more importantly, safe. Guns and ammunition are also flying off the shelves. Many gun shops temporarily closing to restock.
But, could you imagine finding out your next door neighbor has a license to legally sell guns? If you live in New Jersey, it’s entirely possible. While NJ has some of the strictest weapons laws on record in the country, licensed arms dealers have every right to sell firearms anywhere in the state (almost) – including right out of their own living rooms – as long as they comply with two important guidelines:
- The house has to be zoned for a home-based business
- The dealer must possess the correct state and federal licenses (FLLs or federal firearms licenses)
These home-based businesses can be small shops that handle “online transfers” of weapons and do background checks on would-be gun buyers or gun dealers who welcome countless interested buyers to their home.
Of course, news that your next door neighbor has a house full of guns isn’t welcome news to many. While gun proponents point to their Constitutional Second Amendment, the article quotes Allison Anderman of a gun control advocacy group, Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence: “When dealers store a large number of guns and ammunition in residences,” she said, “they are more likely to enter the illegal marketplace.”
If you want to carry a gun in New Jersey, you must be licensed to do so. New Jersey does not recognize carry permits from other states. Even if you are lawfully licensed to carry a gun in New York or Pennsylvania, you will be arrested and charged with illegal possession of a weapon if you bring that gun into NJ without a New Jersey-issued permit.
Talk To An Experienced Attorney
If you are convicted of breaking N.J.S.A. 2C:39-5b (NJ handgun permit to carry law), you may face between 5-10 years in jail. Don’t risk your future.
If you are facing weapons charges or need legal advice, you should speak with an experienced attorney to help your case. With over 35 years in Criminal Defense law, John W. Tumety is known for his aggressive legal representation. Contact us today for a free consultation.