New Jersey’s Rules on Distribution of Narcotics
Have you been accused of distribution of narcotics or are you currently under investigation for the same? If so, you need to understand your rights and consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible.
There are numerous different laws in New Jersey that govern the distribution and the possession of narcotics and there are numerous different factors evaluated in your case that determine the charges you face. The narcotic itself, as well as the packaging and the weight are factors that can lead a simple possession charge to be elevated to something much more serious. Being accused of distribution of narcotics or possession with the intent to distribute are severe crimes and have much more serious penalties than possession itself. The weight will influence the level of offense in question. For example, less than 1 oz. of marijuana is a fourth-degree offense. However, more than 5 lbs. but less than 25 lbs. is a second-degree offense.
When it comes to heroin and cocaine, these are categorized together because they are seen as equally dangerous within New Jersey. More than half an ounce but less than 5 oz. is often charged as a second-degree crime but less than half an ounce of cocaine or heroin will often be categorized as possession. Anything that is over 5 oz. of cocaine or heroin can lead to first-degree charges. Hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD and psilocybin include that possession of less than 100mg is a second-degree offense but more than 100mg leads to first degree charges.
Numerous other factors such as having narcotics along with smaller bags and a scale could lead to a distribution of narcotics charge. You could be facing a great deal of fines depending on the categorization of the offense. The drug charges in New Jersey are taken very seriously and likewise, you want to take your case seriously by hiring an experienced attorney you can trust. With so many things to be concerned about, you need to ensure that you have someone who cares about your future.
At the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty, you get the peace of mind that someone is advocating for your best interests from the moment you’re accused of a crime. Get help from an experienced lawyer who cares by calling 609.385.4010 or by filling out our convenient online contact form to get started today.
The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney/client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.