Drugged Driving vs. Drunk Driving
Driving under the influence of drugs and driving drunk are among the most dangerous things a person could do. Because of this, the penalties related to either charge are both high and extensive. What’s The Difference Between Drunk Driving And Drugged Driving? When determining whether a person is drunk, common sobriety tests are administered (like […]
What Steps Can I Expect In My DUI/DWI Case?
If you’re arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI), you may be wondering what will happen next and what you should do at each step in your case.
Tips for Appealing A Conviction
Most people charged with crimes will want an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to avoid the potential consequences of conviction. However, there are some circumstances where you find yourself dealing with a conviction when you did not expect it. For this reason, you need to be prepared to be informed about appealing […]
When Does Drug Possession Become Intent to Sell?
Those caught with illegal substances should be aware that an “intent to sell” charge is far worse than a simple possession charge alone. But that brings up a question that many convicted of drug possession, or more, may want to know – when does the possession of drugs become intent to sell? Certainly, there are […]
Juveniles Tried As Adults
If an individual younger than 18 years old (a minor) commits a crime in New Jersey, it is called a “juvenile crime.” The minor may face legal consequences in a New Jersey juvenile court, including the possibility of being tried as an adult.