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Mr. Tumelty represented Helena Hendricks, who was charged with first degree murder in Atlantic County Superior Court. The defendant faced a number of additional charges, including armed robbery, conspiracy and possession of a handgun for an unlawful purpose. At the conclusion of a jury trial that lasted three weeks, the defendant was found "not guilty" of all charges.

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4 Steps to Restore Your Suspended Driver’s License in New Jersey

restore a suspended license

It doesn’t take long to realize that losing your license causes a great deal of inconvenience to you and your family. More importantly, losing your license can negatively affect your ability to make a living. 

So if you lost your license, you are probably wondering, How do I reinstate my suspended license in NJ? The Law Offices of John W. Tumelty in Atlantic County can help answer this question. As a former county and state prosecutor who is now a defense lawyer, Mr. Tumelty has the experience and skill to help you restore your license in NJ. 

How Do I Reinstate My Suspended License in NJ?

No matter the reason for your license suspension, the MVC will not automatically reinstate it. Rather, you must take the appropriate steps to reinstate your license in NJ. The first step is understanding why your license is suspended. 

Step 1: Understanding the Reason Why You Lost Your License

The New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) maintains all of the driving records for everyone who has a license in the State of New Jersey. However, the MVC has the authority to do much more than house people’s driving records. The authority to suspend drivers’ licenses is one of the MVC’s powers. 

The MVC issues license suspensions for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons include:

  • Amassing 12 demerit points on your license;
  • Failing to pay MVC surcharges;
  • Failing to attend or complete a class as required by the MVC; and
  • Driving without insurance. 

There are many other reasons why your license might be suspended as well. 

New Jersey courts can order license suspensions too. A court might suspend your license because you:

  • Failed to pay a court-ordered fine;
  • Missed a court date;
  • Did not pay off your parking tickets;
  • Drove while uninsured;
  • Failed to pay child support; 
  • Received a conviction for a driving offense such as driving under the influence, driving recklessly; or
  • Have a conviction under a statute that requires license suspension, such as a subsequent conviction for driving with a suspended license.

Your suspension could be for a set amount of time, or it may continue indefinitely. A knowledgeable defense attorney from the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty can help you figure out why you have a suspended license and what you can do to reinstate it. 

Step Two: Develop a Plan to Fix the Problems with Your License

The next step toward reinstating your license involves bringing yourself into compliance with New Jersey law. Working with an experienced attorney can help you resolve your license issues faster and with fewer complications than trying to do it all by yourself. 

What you need to do depends on the reason why you have a suspended license. For instance, you must present yourself to court to remove a bench warrant that was issued because you missed a court date. But you should talk with a lawyer who understands the New Jersey criminal justice system before turning yourself in because you might be arrested, detained, or ordered to post bail, so you don’t miss another court date. 

If you have a DUI conviction, then you might have to pay your DUI fees or attend drunk driving classes before you can reinstate your license. Moreover, you must wait out the entire suspension period before reinstating your license. Unlike many other states, New Jersey does not grant “Cinderella licenses” or “work permits” for those who have a DUI conviction.

Whatever the reason is, you need to rectify the situation before you go to the MVC to ask for your license back. Remember to keep proof of everything you did to fix the underlying problem. That means you need to keep all receipts and paperwork given to you when you perform your legal obligations. 

Step Three: Pay the Required Reinstatement Fee and Reapply for Your License

You have to pay a $100 reinstatement fee to the MVC no matter the reasons for your suspension. The MVC accepts payment online, by mail, or in person. You should be aware that you might have to complete other requirements before getting your license back. For instance, the MVC might ask you to complete a driver’s education course and test before reinstating your license.

Step Four: Get Help from a Proven and Trustworthy Atlantic County Defense Lawyer 

When you seek advice from a skilled criminal defense lawyer from the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty, you receive high-quality legal advice grounded in 30-plus years of legal experience. Contact his team today at 609-390-4600 to learn more about how the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty can answer the question, How do I reinstate my suspended license in NJ?

Atlantic County criminal defense attorney John W. Tumelty has a proven track record of success helping people just like you get back on their feet. The New Jersey Supreme Court certified John as a specialist in criminal defense, which is an honor bestowed on only 2% of New Jersey’s lawyers. John has earned accolades like Super Lawyers, “Superb” AVVO ratings, and one of the 10 Best in Client Satisfaction from the American Institute of Criminal Lawyers. 


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