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Wildwood Criminal Lawyer

Former Prosecutor, now fighting for YOU in the local courts.

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Wildwood Criminal Defense Attorney

Aggressive Criminal Defense Lawyer Protects Juvenile Charges with Serious Crimes in Wildwood and throughout Cape May County

It’s no secret that Wildwood is a go-to spot for families, and especially teenagers, throughout the summer. It’s should also come as no surprise that kids make mistakes; that’s a fact of life. But when a lapse in judgment at the Jersey Shore results in serious criminal charges, you need to retain an aggressive criminal defense lawyer to defend their interests in court in an effort to make sure that they do not end up with a juvenile record.

Criminal Attorney John W. Tumelty has been fighting for the rights of kids facing juvenile criminal charges for more than 35 years in South Jersey, including Wildwood, North Wildwood and throughout Cape May County. As a former prosecutor, he knows how the other side thinks and works as it builds cases against juvenile offenders. He will put his experience and knowledge of the system to work for your family. Contact Mr. Tumelty today for a free consultation about your child’s juvenile criminal charges.

Knowledgeable NJ Defense Lawyer Fights to Protect Your Children in Wildwood

Law enforcement officials are notoriously tough on crime in the Garden State. You might think they would go a bit easier on younger defendants, but you would be wrong. In fact, it’s often believed that the New Jersey Juvenile Justice System intends to be a serious wakeup call for youth. Prosecutors within the system seek to make examples of defendants to send a message that New Jersey is tough on crime — regardless of your age.

Contact Mr. Tumelty, a skilled lawyer, who will defend your child against whatever juvenile criminal charges they are facing in Wildwood and across Cape May County, including:

  • Juvenile Shoplifting: Some kids don’t understand the serious consequences associated with shoplifting. They view it as a victimless crime. Wildwood Police take shoplifting very seriously. If convicted , your child may be subject to both civil and criminal penalties. Jail time is possible for repeat offenders.
  • Juvenile Drug Possession: Possession of drugs and possession with the intent to distribute both illegal substances and prescription medication are punishable crimes that could land your child in a juvenile detention center if they are convicted.
  • Underage Drinking and Possession of Alcohol: There is a zero tolerance policy in the State of New Jersey with regard to underage drinking. This includes in a bar or restaurant, the boardwalk or on the beach. Getting caught with even one bottle of beer could result in heavy fines and possible suspension of driving privileges.
  • Underage DUI/DWI: Don’t do it. As stiff as NJ’s DWI laws are for adults, they are even magnified for juveniles. Anyone under age 21 with a BAC (blood alcohol content) above .01 percent, may face: suspension of driver’s license, community service and mandatory attendance in an alcohol education program.
  • Possession of Fake ID: If your child gets caught trying to purchase alcohol or gamble in an Atlantic City casino with a fake ID, they will be charged with a disorderly person’s offense. If the Fake ID involved tampering with public records, such as a driver’s license, they may be facing up to six months in county jail.
  • Juvenile Sex Offenses: Date rape, sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault are serious crimes that requires aggressive legal representation in Wildwood. Additionally, Internet sex crimes, including sexting, have become a popular activity among teens. However, but many don’t realize it’s a crime. Sexting is considered, in many cases, child pornography. If your child is convicted of an Internet sex crime, similar to a conviction of a physical sex crime, they will be facing serious penalties including being forced to register as a sex offender under Megan’s Law.

Mr. Tumelty understands how one mistake today can impact a person’s future for the rest of their lives. In the case of juveniles, this means the possibility of not getting into the college they want to attend, getting a good job or an apartment, etc. Mr. Tumelty will fight to keep your kid’s case out of adult court so they may be able to avoid the harshest consequences if convicted — including a criminal record.

Contact an Aggressive Wildwood NJ Juvenile Crimes Defense Lawyer for Free Today

The New Jersey Juvenile Court System deals with juveniles issues that, for an adult, would be considered a serious crime. There are no jury trials in juvenile court. Additionally, juvenile court judges usually have alternative sentencing options, such as probation, community service or deferred disposition. This means that a conviction does not always result in incarceration for your loved one.

On the other hand, if your child’s case gets moved to Superior Court, they will be facing a jury trial with potential consequences that include real prison time with hardened criminals. You need an experienced juvenile attorney who will do everything possible to keep your child’s case out of adult court.

If your child is facing juvenile criminal charges, it’s very important you take them very seriously. Prosecutors will not write them off and make them “go away” because kids make mistakes. John W. Tumelty will help your family; he knows what it takes to negotiate with the prosecutors and in court, when necessary. He offers free consultations by phone and in his three offices in Atlantic City, Marmora and Somers Point. Contact him today.

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