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Criminal Defense Attorney

Former Prosecutor, now fighting for YOU in the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

Certified Criminal Trial Attorney

Experienced for over 35 years

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Top-Rated Atlantic County Criminal Defense Attorney

A bright and promising future can be destroyed by a criminal conviction. Not only can a conviction result in the loss of your freedom; it can also make it difficult for you to secure or maintain employment. Information about all criminal convictions in New Jersey is a matter of public record and can be found in a simple online search.

Imagine how a future employer will react when a conviction shows up on a background check. Your chances of being hired will likely be seriously affected by a blemished record. Further, many crimes come with serious jail time.

Atlantic City Attorney, John W. Tumelty is the founding partner of the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty and is a former Prosecutor. He brings more than 35 years of experience to both the negotiating table and the courtroom on behalf of his clients. He is passionate about protecting his clients’ reputations and livelihood by crafting creative defense strategies that keep his clients out of jail.

If you have been charged with a crime in Atlantic County, you need a lawyer who will fight tirelessly on your behalf. Call 609.385.4010 or email Mr. Tumelty today 24/7 for a free consultation about your case.

Mr. Tumelty is a New Jersey Supreme Court Certified Criminal Trial Attorney and New Jersey Supreme Court Municipal Court Law Attorney.

Former State Prosecutor Represents Clients Charged with Various Crimes Throughout Atlantic County

If you or someone you know is facing any of these criminal charges, please call our office to speak to an attorney about your defense strategy:

Casino Crimes

John W. Tumelty helps those charged with casino crimes, including:

  • Casino theft
  • Cheating scams
  • Underage gambling
  • Disorderly conduct in casino hotels
  • Assaults
  • Criminal trespass

Juvenile Defense

If your child has been charged with drug possession, shoplifting, possession of a fake ID, or underage drinking, Mr. Tumelty will guide them through the complicated juvenile justice system in New Jersey and make sure that they don’t end up with a permanent criminal record.

Drug Charges

John W. Tumelty helps those with drug charges, including:

  • Simple possession of marijuana
  • Possession with intent to distribute marijuana
  • Heroin and cocaine offenses
  • Possession of illegal prescription medications
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia

Mr. Tumelty also contests invalid search warrants and challenges the admissibility of evidence obtained through illegal search and seizure techniques.

DWI Charges and Traffic Violations

By knowing the procedures and equipment utilized by New Jersey law enforcement in DWI cases, Mr. Tumelty knows how to beat DUI charges, including first offense DWI, breath test refusal, and driving under the influence of drugs.

Gun and Other Weapons Offenses

NJ law imposes serious penalties on unlawful possession of many different kinds of weapons, including:

  • Handguns
  • Paintball guns
  • Airsoft guns
  • BB guns

White-Collar Crimes

Defense of clients accused of white-collar crimes, including:

  • Business fraud
  • Computer crimes
  • Embezzlement
  • Forgery
  • Identity theft

Domestic Violence

Defense of clients accused of domestic violence, including:

  • Spousal abuse
  • Harassment
  • Criminal contempt
  • Stalking

Mr. Tumelty also represents clients at temporary and final restraining order hearings.

Sex Crimes

Whether you’ve been charged with sex crimes such as sexual assault, child abuse, child pornography, or prostitution, it is imperative that you speak with an experienced criminal defense lawyer who can explain the legal implications and help you avoid the most serious consequences.

Mr. Tumelty also assists clients who were previously convicted and helps them get removed from Megan’s Law registration requirements.

Assault Offenses

Attorney John W. Tumelty works in defense of clients accused of assault offenses, including:

  • Simple assault
  • Aggravated assault
  • Vehicular assault
  • Fighting offenses

Theft and Fraud Offenses

Attorney John W. Tumelty works in defense of clients accused of theft and fraud offenses, including:

  • Shoplifting
  • Burglary
  • Robbery
  • Credit card fraud
  • Check fraud
  • Receiving stolen property

Other Criminal Defense Cases

Learn more in our Criminal Defense FAQ

Our Experienced Atlantic City NJ Attorney Can Help You Beat Your Criminal Charges

If you are facing criminal charges, your reputation, your livelihood, and your freedom are at stake. Don’t go it alone. You need to make a call to secure the legal representation of a criminal defense lawyer with years of experience.

John W. Tumelty has served as a Deputy Attorney General with the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, Division of Criminal Justice. As a state prosecutor, he investigated and prosecuted major felony crimes.

He has also served as an assistant county prosecutor with the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office, Trial Section, prosecuting felony offenses like:

Mr. Tumelty puts all of those years of experience on the prosecutor’s side of the courtroom to work fighting tirelessly to defend the rights of his Atlantic County clients charged with crimes.

He has defended clients in courtrooms throughout New Jersey, including the New Jersey Supreme Court. In fact, Mr. Tumelty has been a New Jersey Supreme Court certified trial attorney since 1995.

At the end of the day, titles don’t win cases. Aggressive, strategic criminal defense wins cases. Atlantic City Attorney, John W. Tumelty has a long track record of winning cases for his clients.

He is a skilled negotiator who will work with prosecutors to secure the best possible plea agreement in your case. When necessary, however, he is a capable, aggressive litigator who is prepared to fight for you in the courtroom should your case go to trial.

The Law Offices of John W. Tumelty Will Protect Your Rights & Freedom – Available 24/7

If you or someone you know is facing criminal charges in Atlantic City, Longport, Margate, Ventnor, Brigantine, Glassboro and throughout South Jersey, it is imperative that you contact an attorney who will put your needs first.

Attorney John W. Tumelty is available right now to take your call, or you can use the convenient contact form to request a free consultation at his Atlantic City or Marmora offices.

When you need an experienced criminal defense attorney, John Tumelty is here – 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Contact him today to discuss your case and determine right away what needs to be done to get your charges dismissed so you can move on with your life.

Call 609.385.4010 For Your Free Consultation

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