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Assault Charges Defense Attorney

Former Prosecutor, now fighting for YOU in the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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Experienced for over 35 years

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Atlantic City Assault Lawyer Protects Your Legal Rights

Atlantic City is a known go-to destination for gambling and world-class entertainment. Unfortunately, with or without Lady Luck by your side, it’s easy for a fun time to get out of hand. When arguments ensue and words and fists begin to fly, it’s not unusual for criminal charges to follow. Whether the incident was your fault or not, when you are facing assault and battery charges you need an experienced Atlantic City criminal defense lawyer by your side.

Atlantic County attorney John Tumelty is a highly respected attorney with a rich tradition of successfully representing clients throughout South Jersey. The founding partner of the law firm the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty, he is a criminal defense lawyer who has been practicing criminal law for over 35 years. In addition to being a New Jersey Supreme Court certified criminal trial attorney, Mr. Tumelty is a former state prosecutor and assistant county prosecutor. Now he fights for the rights of the accused throughout New Jersey, including Cape May and Atlantic counties.

You Could Face Severe Penalties for an Assault Conviction in NJ

The assault statute is often interpreted broadly by NJ prosecutors so that practically any sort of physical altercation can trigger serious charges and severe penalties. Many times, Atlantic County prosecutors will overcharge assault if the public’s safety was put at risk. Worse yet, prosecutors are often strict in offering plea bargains in assault cases because the charge is classified as a violent offense.

Some of the most common assault charges in Atlantic County include:

  • Simple assault: Any kind of physical altercation can lead to simple assault charges.
  • Aggravated assault: When an assault results in another person suffering significant or serious injuries, or if a weapon was used during the altercation, the charges against you can be elevated to aggravated assault.
  • Aggravated assault on a police officer: Any kind of assault on a law enforcement officer is treated as a felony-level offense.
  • Vehicular assault (assault by auto or boat): Recklessly hitting someone with your vehicle or vessel can lead to criminal charges.

The penalties for an assault charge can vary, depending upon factors such as the severity of injury, the use of a weapon during the altercation, and the status of the injured party. Since assault is considered a violent crime, NJ prosecutors often seek to impose the harshest possible punishments. In addition to prison time and heavy fines, the penalties for an assault conviction can include probation with requirements to attend anger management counseling and payment of restitution to the victim for medical bills.

Under certain circumstances, you could face enhanced penalties. If the victim was a police officer, a firefighter, an EMS provider or a school official, the charge can be elevated and the offender may face more severe penalties. Moreover, when an assault charge stems from a domestic violence incident, you could face additional repercussions, such as a restraining order. If the assault was committed during the commission of some other criminal act, such as robbery, the offender may face additional charges.

Assault Defense Attorney Fights Your Criminal Charges in Atlantic City

An assault charge can be life-altering if you are convicted and labeled a “violent offender.” It is important to act quickly and speak with a lawyer as soon as possible because evidence will need to be preserved. Additionally, your lawyer will need time to contact and interview witnesses.

Attorney John W. Tumelty is an aggressive criminal defense attorney who knows what it takes to win in Atlantic City courtrooms; he has successfully defended clients against charges of assault, robbery, and homicide throughout NJ. Mr. Tumelty is a former prosecutor and will assist you during all stages of your case, from initial bail hearings to trial, if necessary. Call or email him today to schedule a free consultation at one of the firm’s offices in Atlantic City or Marmora, NJ. Available 24/7.

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