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Disorderly Conduct in a Casino

Former Prosecutor, now fighting for YOU in the local courts.

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Experienced NJ Attorney Defends You against Disorderly Conduct Charges in Atlantic City Casinos

Disorderly conduct charges often arise from minor altercations that spiral out of control. Everyone understands that a casino can be a place of high emotions because drinking and letting go of inhibitions are often encouraged by the establishment. The more relaxed you are, the more you will gamble.

When things go too far, you may find yourself or one of your buddies facing disorderly conduct charges and potential jail time. Make no mistake about it; a little bit of fun to you will be taken very seriously by NJ prosecutors. To them your “fun” is considered a casino crime.

If you are a local resident or an out-of-state visitor facing disorderly conduct charges stemming from an incident in an Atlantic City hotel or casino, you need to act quickly to protect your rights. Call a skilled criminal defense attorney with experience in the local courts.

How Severe Are the Penalties for Disorderly Conduct in an Atlantic City Hotel or Casino?

This might be the first time in your life that you’ve been charged with a crime. Right now you have every right to be concerned about what a criminal conviction could mean for you. It is imperative that you make the right decision about how to proceed with your case. The first decision you need to make is whether to hire an experienced criminal defense attorney to help you beat your disorderly conduct charges.

  • Disorderly conduct in New Jersey is governed by N.J.S.A. 2C:33-2.
  • Disorderly conduct can be both physical and verbal, with charges based on aggressive actions or mere speech.
  • Disorderly conduct charges typically arise from improper actions that create risk, annoyance, or inconvenience for the public and that serve no legitimate purpose of their own. The most common example of this is public fighting. However, practically any kind of aggressive behavior in public can lead to an arrest for disorderly conduct. Often times, these charges stem from an incident in which a person gets drunk and disorderly on the casino floor.
  • In certain circumstances, you can be charged with disorderly conduct simply for using offensive language.
  • The law prohibits the use of any unreasonably loud or abusive language in a public place.

As set forth by the New Jersey criminal code, disorderly conduct is considered a petty disorderly persons offense. This means that if you are convicted, you could be sentenced to up to 30 days in the county jail and fined as much as $500. Additionally, the conviction will appear on your permanent criminal record.

Local Atlantic City, NJ Criminal Defense Lawyer Fights Casino Disorderly Conduct Charges

A conviction for disorderly conduct can have significant consequences. Do not take any chances by trying to represent yourself in court. If you’ve been charged with disorderly conduct in Atlantic City, you want an aggressive criminal defense lawyer who will take a proactive approach to your case. As a former prosecutor who now practices criminal defense in Atlantic County and Cape May County, Mr. Tumelty has unique insight into how local prosecutors think. Additionally, he knows local prosecutors and judges, so he has built the relationships and possesses the institutional knowledge needed to get your charges dismissed or to plea bargain on your behalf.

Out of state? No problem. Mr. Tumelty can help and may even be able to represent you in court so you need not return to face the judge.

Call the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty for a Free Consultation Today

John W. Tumelty, founding partner of the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty, defends clients charged with disorderly conduct, criminal trespass, casino theft, and underage gambling in New Jersey casinos. Call him today to discuss what happened and to determine how to best get your charges dismissed so you avoid a criminal record.  Feel free to fill out the online contact form to request your free consultation today. We are available 24/7 to discuss your case.

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