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Casino Theft - Defense Attorney

Former Prosecutor, now fighting for YOU in the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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Atlantic City, NJ Casino Theft Lawyer Fights Your Criminal Charges and Keeps You Out of Jail

Casino theft in Atlantic City is a very serious offense that can result in significant penalties, ranging from a few nights in county jail to several years in state prison. Often, when casino staff has reason to believe you have committed theft, they will act quickly to contact the police and have you charged with casino theft.

Criminal defense lawyer John W. Tumelty deals with casino crimes every day. He knows all too well that casino theft charges often stem from a misunderstanding or overzealous casino employee. He knows, too, that scams run rampant in casinos and that your charges may be the result of you being a victim of someone’s scam. Mr. Tumelty focuses his practice exclusively on criminal defense and DWI defense. As a former state prosecutor and a former Atlantic County prosecutor, Mr. Tumelty gained invaluable prosecutorial experience that he now uses to assist criminal defendants throughout South Jersey, including Atlantic and Cape May counties.

What is Considered “Casino Theft” in New Jersey?

N.J.S.A. 2C:20-3 governs theft charges in New Jersey, including casino theft. The statute applies to the theft of both movable property and immovable property. The temporary or permanent deprivation of money that does not belong to you can constitute theft of movable property. When it comes to casino theft, the most common offenses include:

  • Token or chip theft
  • Swindling and cheating
  • Past posting
  • Writing bad checks or markers
  • Using counterfeit coins or tokens
  • Dealer-player conspiracy
  • Money laundering

If you are caught stealing from a casino, it is likely that the casino will report your activity to the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement. If you are later charged with casino theft, you face serious penalties:

  • Theft of less than $200 in casino chips, checks, or markers is classified as a disorderly persons offense. A conviction can result in a sentence of up to six months in county jail.
  • Theft of between $200 and $500 in casino chips, checks, or markers is a fourth degree felony, with an offender facing a possible punishment of up to 18 months in New Jersey State Prison.
  • If you are accused of stealing between $500 and $75,000 in casino chips, checks, or markers, you face third degree casino theft charges and a possible punishment of between three and five years in NJ State Prison.
  • Theft of more than $75,000 can result in second degree felony charges and a sentence of between five and 10 years in state prison.

Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Provides Casino Theft Defense in Atlantic County

If you or a loved one has been charged with casino theft in New Jersey, an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you. A knowledgeable attorney like Mr. Tumelty may be able to get your theft charges downgraded to a municipal ordinance violation. Alternatively, he may be able to get your case diverted into a Pre-Trial Intervention (PTI) program. If this happens, you can potentially avoid jail by completing the program requirements, such as community service and maintaining a clean record.

Contact the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty today to schedule a free consultation about your casino theft case. Mr. Tumelty will be happy to take the time to listen to your story and answer any questions you might have. You can call 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week. You can even arrange to come into one of the firm’s conveniently located offices.

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