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Ecstasy Possession Charges Attorney

Former Prosecutor, now fighting for YOU in the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

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Skilled Criminal Defense Lawyer Fights Possession of Ecstasy Charges in Atlantic City and Throughout New Jersey

Criminal possession of a controlled dangerous substance in New Jersey can result in serious charges. The majority of these drug possession charges begin during routine traffic stops. Perhaps you were speeding or ran a red light and the police officer pulls you over only to see evidence of drug possession. Depending on the quantity of drugs involved, you may be facing significant and severe penalties including jail time.

Defendants charged with drug possession, including ecstasy/MDMA, heroin, cocaine and marijuana, need to waste no time in contacting a criminal defense attorney in Atlantic City who will aggressively fight your charges. John W. Tumelty has successfully defended countless clients charged with ecstasy possession and will fight for your freedom, as well. He will investigate the evidence against you, including the validity of your search and seizure, and will work tirelessly to get your charges dismissed or reduced in Atlantic, Cape May and Ocean counties and throughout South Jersey.

New Jersey Drug Possession Charges & Penalties Explained

To charge you with “criminal possession” of a controlled dangerous substance like ecstasy, the prosecutor must have evidence that you knowingly and intentionally possessed the illegal drugs. Actual possession is one thing; constructive possession is another. This means that you might have been in actual possession of the drugs – the ecstasy was in your car, for example. However, you didn’t know it was there. You assert you neither had knowledge of its existence nor did you intentionally mean to have it on your person or in your home or vehicle.

John Tumelty is a former prosecutor who knows that the distinction between “actual” possession and “constructive” possession is a key element of proving criminal possession charges. He will use his knowledge of how prosecutors work these cases, as well as his own experience defending against these charges, in defending you or your loved one.
New Jersey guidelines for drug possession penalties are outlined in the New Jersey Dangerous Substance Schedule; in most cases possession of ecstasy, cocaine, oxycontin and heroin is a third degree felony crime. If convicted of this crime, you can face:

  • between three and five years in prison
  • up to a $35,000 fine
  • mandatory six month suspension of driving privileges – even if the crime didn’t occur in a car
  • community service

It’s important to note that the judge has the discretion to waive imprisonment for first-time offenders. If jail time is waived, you could be forced to perform no less than 100 hours of community service. A knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer like Mr. Tumelty will fight for your freedom, your criminal record and your reputation.

Free Consultation about Your Ecstasy Drug Possession Charges with Skilled Atlantic City Criminal Defense Lawyer

Possession of controlled dangerous substance charges are taken very seriously in New Jersey. If you are charged and convicted of drug possession, especially if you are found with a large quantity of hard drugs like heroin, ecstasy or cocaine, you are likely facing significant jail time, fines and more. If prosecutors can prove that you intended to distribute the drugs, your incarceration will be even longer.

Criminal defense lawyer John W. Tumelty offers free consultations at any of his three conveniently located offices in Atlantic City, Somer’s Point and Marmora, NJ. A felony drug conviction on your permanent record can be a stumbling block when it comes to getting a job, a loan, an apartment and more. Don’t risk your future by trying to fight your ecstasy/MDMA drug possession charges alone. Mr. Tumelty is on your side.

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