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Atlantic City, NJ Out-of-State Driver DWI Lawyer Helps Clients Avoid Significant DWI Penalties

If you are an out-of-state driver who has been charged with a DWI in New Jersey, it is important for you to understand the penalties you are facing. You could be looking at significant punishments, including jail time and heavy fines. Additionally, the penalties can carry over to your state of origin. As such, you must take your DUI charges in New Jersey very seriously. Don’t attempt to fight your drunk driving charges by yourself.

John W. Tumelty is the founding partner of the Law Offices of John Tumelty, a highly respected law firm with a rich tradition in South Jersey. Mr. Tumelty has 35 years of criminal law experience and regularly defends out-of-state drivers who have been charged with DWI in New Jersey. He can help you, too.

New Jersey DWI Penalties Can Carry Over to Your Home State

In New Jersey, the penalties for a DWI are set forth in N.J.S.A. 39:4-50. Whether you are a driver on vacation from another state or a commercial truck driver passing through New Jersey, you face significant penalties if you are charged with drunk driving:

  • Even a first offense DWI is likely to result in the suspension of your driver’s license, as well as heavy fines, costly surcharges, and possible jail time.
  • It is also likely that you will have to pay higher insurance rates going forward because of your DWI conviction.
  • Perhaps worst of all, these penalties can carry over to your home state because New Jersey has interstate agreements with other states. Reciprocity between states means that your home state driving record may be impacted by a DWI conviction in New Jersey.

Additionally, NJ drivers must follow New Jersey driving laws even when they are driving in a different state. If you are convicted of drunk driving in another state, the conviction will be reported to the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission and your driver’s license will be suspended.

Beyond the standard punishments for a DWI, a DWI conviction can prove humiliating and impact both your personal life and your professional life. Nobody wants the stigma of having a drunk driving conviction on their permanent driving record.

Experienced Atlantic City DWI Lawyer Fights for the Rights of Out-of-State Drivers Charged with DUIs in New Jersey

If you have been charged with DWI in Atlantic or Cape May counties, or anywhere else in NJ, your future and freedom may be on the line. It is imperative that you speak with an experienced DWI lawyer because these are complex laws with significant penalties attached. Avoiding the most serious drunk driving penalties may require dedicated legal representation.

If you are from another state, it is critical that you have an experienced, local attorney to help guide you through the New Jersey legal system. You want a local South Jersey lawyer who understands the DWI laws in the state and who can provide you with aggressive defense against your DWI charges. Speak with John W. Tumelty about your case. He is a lawyer who knows how to challenge the evidence and highlight defects in the prosecution’s case. He knows how to carefully examine the circumstances of your traffic stop, challenge probable cause for the arrest, get Alcotest (breath test) results declared inadmissible in court.

Call Mr. Tumelty today to discuss the specifics of your case. You can also schedule a free consultation his Somers Point or Marmora office location by filling out the online contact form. Mr. Tumelty is available day or night to speak with you about your unique circumstances and help you formulate a strategy to beat your DUI charges.

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