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Criminal Harassment Charges Defense Lawyer in Atlantic County, New Jersey

Harassment charges are relatively common because it is easy for an angry or jealous individual to accuse someone of harassment with very little proof. Any crime that is subjective in nature (based on someone’s opinion) tends to be a commonly seen charge in New Jersey courts. In Atlantic City, where the casinos tend to bring out the best and worst in people, getting angry with someone who was a bit luckier than you were isn’t unusual.

Criminal Defense attorney John W. Tumelty has over 35 years of experience defending even the most complicated criminal cases. He will work hard to ensure that you get the most favorable outcome for your situation. This may mean reduced charges, an alternative sentencing option such as the Pre-Trial Intervention or a complete dismissal of charges.

Harassment Defense Lawyer Protects Your Rights and Your Reputation in Atlantic, Cape May and Ocean Counties and Throughout New Jersey

Harassment is generally considered to be a disorderly persons offense. As such, it can carry a penalty of up to six months in jail and fines up to $1,000. It also gives you a criminal record, which could seriously harm your ability to get a job, or even housing, for many years. Harassment includes many forms of threatening or annoying communication, however, the list below gives a more thorough illustration:

  • Making communications either anonymously or at inconvenient hours to cause annoyance or harm
  • Making communications in offensive language to annoy or cause harm
  • Striking, shoving, kicking or otherwise offensively touching, or threatening to do so
  • Engaging in any kind of conduct with the purpose of causing harm or annoyance

You can see from this list that harassment can encompass many different forms of behavior. In order to prove harassment, the prosecution must prove that the defendant had an intent to harass the victim. If unable to do so, the defendant will be found not guilty. There is a big difference between insensitive comments and harassment. Simply saying something rude or offensive to someone will rarely justify a conviction for harassment. Other factors, such as physical disturbances, threats or prolonged disturbances, have to come into play.

If you’ve been charged with harassment, skilled legal representation is essential. Mr. Tumelty’s experience as a former prosecutor gives him valuable insight into how they will handle the case. He is your best chance at staying out of jail and keeping your record clean. There are multiple defense strategies to harassment charges. If the case cannot be dismissed entirely, the next best option is to have the charge downgraded to a municipal ordinance charge. This will keep you out of jail and will not give you a criminal record. If this option is also not available, Mr. Tumelty will prepare to fight the charges. The prosecution’s evidence in harassment cases is often very flimsy. It’s not uncommon for the victim to drop charges mid-way through the case because no witnesses show up to testify.

Don’t Take Harassment Charges Lightly; Call an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney Today

Harassment charges can spin out of control very quickly. Attorney John W. Tumelty will fight to protect your rights, your freedom and your reputation in Atlantic City, Cape May, Wildwood, Little Egg Harbor, Ocean Township and throughout New Jersey. Contact Mr. Tumelty today for a free consultation by phone or at one of his three offices in Marmora, Atlantic City or Somers Point, NJ.

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