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Atlantic City NJ Attorney John Tumelty Defends People Charged with Internet Crimes

Any crime committed online may be considered an Internet crime. Violations of pornography laws, theft, issuing threats and fraud can all take place on the Internet. Additionally, as the scope and ability of the Internet continues to grow, so do the potential crimes. For example, the very serious crime known as “cyberbullying” is an Internet crime that is relatively new to the legal system.

If you’ve been charged with any type of Internet crime, contact a seasoned criminal defense lawyer immediately. Even seemingly minor charges can quickly spin out of control because of the complicated nature of Internet crimes. Rest assured that many lawyers do not have the knowledge and skills to defend you against online crime charges.

Atlantic City, NJ criminal defense lawyer John W. Tumelty has been defending clients against criminal charges for over 35 years, including cybercrimes since the Internet began. This area of the law is constantly evolving – like the Internet and technology themselves. It’s critical to choose a lawyer with significant experience and knowledge of these laws to defend your Internet crime charge.

Mr. Tumelty works with clients all over the New Jersey, including Ventnor, Longport, Margate, Brigantine, Atlantic City and Little Egg Harbor. Contact his office today for a free consultation about your cybercrime charges.

Computer Crimes Lawyer Defends People Charged in Atlantic and Cape May Counties

In response to the increase in Internet crimes, the federal government and individual states have enacted new laws meant to specifically target this area. Additionally, new Internet crimes are constantly being created as technology continues to develop and advance. Below is a list of current examples of Internet crimes. Although this list is not exhaustive, it includes the most common crimes that occur online.

  • Invasion of Privacy
  • Sexting
  • Computer hacking
  • Cyberbullying (using social media platforms to harass others)
  • Fraud
  • Solicitation of a minor
  • Identity theft
  • Phishing
  • Child pornography (viewing, buying, selling or distributing)
  • Traveling to visit a minor after “meeting” in a chat room

As you can see, there is not one specific category of Internet crimes. They can involve everything from theft to child endangerment. Penalties for Internet crimes vary based on the type of offense, severity of the offense and criminal history. They can range from a fourth degree to a first degree crime. Based on the level of the crime, the following penalties may apply:

  • Fourth degree: Up to 18 months in prison and a max of $10,000 in fines
  • Third degree: Up to five years in prison and a max of $15,000 in fines
  • Second degree: Up to 10 years in prison and a max of $150,000 in fines
  • First degree: Up to 20 years in prison and a max of $200,000 in fines

If You’ve Been Charged with any Type of Internet Crime, Call John W. Tumelty Today for a Free Consultation about Your Case

John W. Tumelty is a skilled, experienced criminal defense attorney with a thorough knowledge of the laws relating to technology crimes. He understands the constantly evolving landscape of Internet crimes, and he can help position you for the best possible outcome in your case. Mr. Tumelty has over 35 years of experience serving clients in Avalon, Stone Harbor, Sea Isle City, Cape May, Wildwood and across New Jersey. He represents clients in all types of criminal cases, and he can help you. Call today for a free consultation by phone or in one of his three conveniently located offices in Atlantic City, Marmora or Somer’s Point.

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