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Skilled Atlantic City Lawyer Helps Families with Juvenile Probation Matters in South Jersey

Our kids do dumb things. They make mistakes; that’s how they learn. When poor judgment results in criminal charges, such as shoplifting, drug charges or weapons possession, they may very well be sentenced by the judge to probation, instead of time in a detention center or house arrest. This is because the New Jersey justice system focuses on rehabilitation of young offenders whenever possible.

If your child has been sentenced to probation, it’s important to realize that they have been given a significant chance to make amends while avoiding incarceration. Failing to follow the strict guidelines of probation can have serious repercussions. Contact a knowledgeable juvenile defense lawyer who will protect your child’s rights during the probationary period. John W. Tumelty has been representing juveniles in Cape May, Atlantic and Ocean counties in New Jersey for over 35 years. He can help your family, too.

Juvenile Probation Guidelines in Brigantine, Little Egg Harbor, Margate and across South Jersey

If your child has been sentenced to probation, instead of jail or house arrest, he or she will be allowed to remain in the community, attend school and participate in extracurricular activities. However, juvenile probation is a serious sentence that requires strict adherence. Failure to stay in contact with the juvenile probation officer and follow the terms of probation will result in a return trip to court and, quite possibly, a harsher sentence.

Guidelines of NJ Juvenile Probation:

  • Psychological counseling (especially if drugs or alcohol were involved in the crime)
  • Paying fines (or making restitution, as in the case of theft or shoplifting)
  • Community service may be required
  • Attending school and achieving certain educational criteria

Contact with the probation officer is also mandatory. The amount of contact will be determined by the officer based on individual circumstances. With the assistance of the officer, the juvenile can get involved in community service projects that will allow them to have a positive impact on the community.

What Happens if Your Child Violates Probation in Wildwood, Atlantic City or Stone Harbor, NJ?

If your child fails to follow the guidelines set for by his or her probation officer, the officer will likely file a “Violation of Probation” (VOP) with the Cape May, Atlantic or Ocean County Juvenile Court. After the VOP is filed, the judge will review the case and can, at their discretion, sentence the juvenile to jail time in a youth detention facility, house arrest or in a rehab or treatment facility.

Even if your child is staying in contact with the probation officer, going to school and following the other requirements of probation, committing another crime will likely result in a VOP, as well. Depending on the seriousness of the charges, however, the probation officer does have some discretion in how to handle the matter. First and second degree charges often lead directly to a VOP being filed with the juvenile court. Third and fourth degree indictable offenses are considered less serious; the officer may opt to wait until the case is heard in court before making a judgment regarding a VOP. Traffic and disorderly persons offenses will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Regardless, committing another crime while on juvenile probation will result in significantly more trouble for your child.

If your child has violated the conditions of his or her probation, it is critical that you contact an aggressive juvenile criminal defense lawyer who can protect your child’s rights and fight for leniency.

Talk with a Savvy Juvenile Defense Lawyer Today about Your Child’s Probation Issues

When your child is dealing with the aftermath of a criminal conviction, it’s important that you hire a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney. The guidelines set for by the juvenile probation officer are not suggestions; they are mandatory rules that your child must follow or risk being incarcerated in jail or a treatment facility.

Do not take chances with your child’s future. Hire a criminal defense lawyer who understands how prosecutors think. Mr. Tumelty is a former prosecutor in South Jersey and he will put his experience and knowledge of the NJ juvenile justice system to work for your family. Call today.

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