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Atlantic City, NJ Underage Drinking Defense Attorney Represents Juvenile Clients in South Jersey

If your child has been charged with underage drinking in New Jersey, it is important for you to take immediate action to help them avoid the significant penalties that can accompany a criminal conviction. Since New Jersey has a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to underage drinking, you need to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney about your son or daughter’s charges.

John W. Tumelty can help your child avoid a conviction for underage drinking. Mr. Tumelty is an experienced criminal defense attorney and the founding partner of the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty. He focuses his practice exclusively on criminal defense, juvenile defense, and DWI defense in South Jersey. He has represented countless juvenile clients charged with crimes in Atlantic County and Cape May County.

What Kinds of Penalties Can a Juvenile Face for Underage Drinking Charges in New Jersey?

The State of New Jersey has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking. This means if your child was caught in possession of a single beer, he or she may face criminal charges. The law prohibits minors from purchasing, possessing, or drinking alcohol. New Jersey’s prohibition on underage drinking applies to anyone under the age of 21. If your child was caught with alcohol even one day before their 21st birthday, they can be charged with underage drinking.

NJ police officers and prosecutors take the enforcement of underage alcohol laws very seriously. These charges can include:

  • Underage alcohol possession
  • Underage alcohol consumption
  • Possession of a fake ID
  • Underage DWI
  • Underage possession of alcohol in a motor vehicle

The penalties for underage drinking can be severe. If your child is convicted, they can have their driver’s license suspended for up to six months. In the event that your child does not yet have a driver’s license, the license suspension will take effect after they obtain their driver’s license. The court may also impose a fine of up to $1,000 if your child is convicted of underage drinking.

New Jersey’s zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking extends to underage DWI violations. If a minor is stopped by law enforcement while driving with a blood alcohol content (BAC) above .01 percent, they can be charged with underage drunk driving. (The legal BAC for an adult in NJ is .08 percent.)

A conviction for underage DUI carries enhanced penalties. In addition to the penalties for underage drinking, a minor convicted of underage DUI may be required to attend and pay for alcohol education classes. They can also be required by the court to perform community service for up to 30 days. The penalties are even more severe if your child was stopped for drunk driving and registered a BAC above .08 percent. In that event, you child can actually be charged as an adult offender and will face even harsher penalties.

Protect Your Child’s Future; Speak with an Experienced Lawyer Who Provides Underage Drinking Defense in Atlantic and Cape May Counties

Although alcohol seems to be a perennial rite of passage for young people, it is crucial that you do not take your son or daughter’s underage drinking charges lightly. If your loved one is facing criminal charges for underage drinking, it is imperative that you speak with an attorney who has experience with juvenile defense in South Jersey. Mr. Tumelty previously served as a Deputy Attorney General in the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office, Division of Criminal Justice and as an Assistant County Prosecutor in the Trial Division of the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office. He has helped many families like yours and he will help your child, as well.

Mr. Tumelty appears in courts throughout Atlantic County and Cape May County virtually every day. He is an aggressive criminal defense attorney who has the experience and the knowledge necessary to help your child beat their charges and avoid significant penalties. Call Mr. Tumelty day or night or fill out the online contact form to schedule a free consultation at one of his conveniently located offices in Marmora or Somers Point. Mr. Tumelty will be happy to sit down with you to discuss exactly what happened in your child’s case and explain exactly what needs to be done to get the charges dismissed.

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