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Atlantic City Criminal Defense Lawyer Advises Clients on NJ’s Pre-Trial Intervention Program

Criminal charges in New Jersey can lead to more than just fines, probation and jail time. Being found guilty of any serious crime in NJ can and will impact your ability to earn a living, possibly prevent you from seeing your children and have lifelong implications on your reputation. If you are a candidate for New Jersey’s Pre-trial Intervention Program (PTI), you may have a chance to avoid much of that – including a permanent criminal record.

If you or someone you love are facing criminal charges in NJ, it’s critical that you hire an aggressive and experienced local criminal defense attorney to help you fight your charges and protect your future. John W. Tumelty has been defending good people charged with crimes in Atlantic and Cape May counties for more than 35 years. He is outspoken about the benefits of Pre-Trial Intervention and will fight tirelessly on your behalf to negotiate the best deal for you.

What is the Pre-Trial Intervention Program in New Jersey?

Pre-trial Intervention is a program which provides an alternative to the process of pleading not guilty, proceeding to trial, and having a verdict entered by a jury. PTI applies exclusively to a felony or indictable criminal charges.

If the concept of “PTI” sounds familiar to you, it’s because it has been in the news thanks to former Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice. After two videos portraying Rice in compromising domestic violence-related situations, Rice was permitted to enter PTI in mid-2014 instead of facing prison time.

Tumelty is a former NJ deputy attorney general and former assistant prosecutor with the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office. He has defended countless people charged with crimes in South Jersey and believes in second chances. If you are facing criminal charges in New Jersey, talk with Mr. Tumelty; he is an experienced lawyer who knows his way around an Atlantic City courtroom.

If you are eligible for PTI, Tumelty will apply on your behalf and represent you at meetings with a probation officer or PTI investigator. After law enforcement officials create a determination report on your case, Mr. Tumelty will review and follow the case through the application process. Since the prosecutor and a judge must accept your application — a process that can take up to six weeks depending on court backlog and your case details — Tumelty will be by your side every step of the way.

Contact John W. Tumelty today for a free consultation about PTI, your rights and to learn more about how the program works.

What are the Benefits of New Jersey’s Pre-trial Intervention Program?

The largest, most obvious benefit is that a person who is permitted to enter PTI won’t have to go to prison and you will avoid a criminal record. New Jersey’s PTI is a program that seeks to rehabilitate, rather than punish, a person who the courts believe deserve a second chance.

  • There is no history of a conviction and the defendant avoids a criminal record after PTI is successfully completed.
  • PTI provides early resolution of a case which serves the interests of the victim, the defendant the public.
  • PTI lessens the burden on the court and allows resources to be devoted to more serious criminals.

Remember, not everyone is eligible for PTI. John W. Tumelty knows the guidelines of the program extremely well and has a great amount of success getting clients admitted to the NJ PTI.

Speak to an Atlantic City NJ Criminal Defense Lawyer for Free about Your PTI Eligibility

The main reason why PTI is viewed as a second chance is that, if and when a defendant completes the program successfully, charges are dismissed and the person is not convicted of the crime. This gives the individual a chance to start over with a clean record. If the program is not completed, or the individual gets arrested again or fails a spot drug test, there is no second opportunity for PTI. At that point, charges will stand and the person will face a judge and jury.

If you want to learn more about PTI, visit our PTI FAQ’s page, or to obtain assistance getting admitted to the program, or it you’ve been charged with a crime after PTI, speak with a skilled, experienced lawyer who is passionate about protecting the rights of his clients. John W. Tumelty will meet with you, for free, to discuss your specific case. Time is of the essence; don’t wait. Contact him today to learn more about your option for avoiding jail time or for getting your charges reduced. Tumelty has offices in Marmora, Somers Point, and Atlantic City NJ and represents clients from all over Atlantic and Cape May counties and beyond.

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