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Child Abuse Defense Lawyer Atlantic County, NJ

If you’ve been charged with child abuse, it’s completely understandable if you are frightened and worried about how you are going to fight your charges. John W. Tumelty is a successful criminal defense lawyer who will fully investigate your case and put the full weight of his more than 35 years of experience to work defending your rights and protecting your freedom.

Mr. Tumelty knows, oftentimes, people are forced to face baseless accusations brought on by ex-spouses or someone else with a personal vendetta. Regardless of the circumstances of your arrest and charges, your reputation and freedom are at stake. You need a sound defense strategy and the assistance of a lawyer who has a proven track record of fighting and winning the most difficult criminal cases in Atlantic and Cape May counties. Mr. Tumelty is a former prosecutor with a strong commitment to serving the best interests of his clients because he passionately believes that each and every one of his clients deserves an aggressive criminal defense.

NJ Prosecutors Crack Down on Child Abuse

One of the most frequent child abuse crimes in New Jersey is endangering the welfare of a child, which is governed by N.J.S.A. 2C:24-4. Since endangering the welfare of a child is classified as either a second or third degree felony, a conviction can result in serious penalties.

Other common child abuse charges in New Jersey include:

  • Child neglect: This can include dietary neglect that causes physical harm to the child.
  • Child abandonment: Parents and guardians have a legal obligation to take care of their children.
  • Child cruelty: A parent or guardian cannot treat their child in a cruel manner. If your conduct results in physical injury, disfigurement, or death, you are likely to face criminal charges.
  • Indecent acts: Performing indecent acts in front of a child may constitute a violation of the statute. This can include using profanity in the presence of the child.
  • Sexual assault: One of the worst violations of the law is engaging in sexual acts with a child. This can lead to additional charges like sexual assault or aggravated sexual assault.
  • Dangerous employment: You are not allowed to place, or allow the child to be placed, in dangerous employment positions.
  • Criminal activity: You cannot use a minor in the commission of a crime.
  • DWI: If you are arrested for a DWI while a minor is in your vehicle, you could face both DWI charges and child endangerment charges.

What Are the Penalties Associated with Child Abuse Charges?

  • Endangering the welfare of a child charges are classified as third degree felonies, which are punishable by between three and 10 years in NJ State Prison.
  • If the offender engaged in sexual conduct that impaired the morals of the child or abused or neglected the child in some way, the charges can be elevated to a second degree felony and punished by a sentence of between five and 10 years in state prison.
  • If you are convicted of child abuse in New Jersey, you may be required to register with the Child Abuse Registry, forever marking you as a child abuser.
  • Additionally, you could lose custody of your children.
  • You might also find it difficult to get or maintain a job that involves children.
  • Perhaps worst of all, depending upon the circumstances of the offense, you could be required to register as a sex offender under Megan’s Law.

Atlantic City Child Abuse Defense Attorney Helps You Avoid Conviction and Stay Out of Jail – Brigantine, Margate, Ventnor & Longport

A mere accusation of child abuse can destroy your reputation and wreak havoc on your personal life. Many marriages have been destroyed by allegations of child abuse – even when they were later found to be baseless allegations. Worse yet, NJ prosecutors often seek maximum punishments in these cases because the victims – children – are among society’s most vulnerable. As a result, if you or a loved one has been accused of child abuse in New Jersey, you need a skilled criminal defense attorney to advocate on your behalf.

Let experienced Atlantic City criminal defense attorney John Tumelty fight for you. Mr. Tumelty knows what it takes to help clients avoid criminal convictions and keep their permanent records clean. From the moment you are charged, Mr. Tumelty will do everything possible to get your sex crime charges dismissed. If the case goes to trial, Mr. Tumelty’s 35 years of experience as a prosecutor and a criminal defense attorney will give him an edge in the courtroom. Call or email Mr. Tumelty today to schedule a free consultation at one of his conveniently located offices in Marmora and Somers Point, NJ.

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