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Atlantic County NJ Lawyer Defends Clients Charged with Driving with a Suspended License

In New Jersey, the ability to drive is far more necessity than a luxury. While the state has a decent public transportation system, getting around locally requires a motor vehicle. When your driver’s license is suspended, getting to and from work, stores and shuttling your kids around becomes overwhelmingly challenging. Many people with suspended driver’s licenses have no choice but to drive and pray they don’t get caught. They need to get to work, etc.

Unfortunately, if you drive with a suspended license in New Jersey and get pulled over, you’re in for a whole lot of trouble. You may be facing significant fines, additional license suspension time and even time in jail. We can help. At the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty, we understand that you had your reasons to drive while your license was suspended. Mr. Tumelty will put his many years of experience defending clients in Atlantic and Cape May counties in NJ who have been busted for driving on a suspended license. Mr. Tumelty has law offices in Atlantic City, Marmora or Somers Point, NJ.

Attorney Fights Driving While Suspended Charges in Ocean and Atlantic Counties in New Jersey

Although a traffic violation is minor compared to the far more serious criminal charges of assault, robbery or murder, traffic tickets are no laughing matter. There is the potential for severe consequences. This is especially true when it comes to driving with a suspended license. As a former state prosecutor, Mr. Tumelty has a thorough understanding of how the system works, on both sides. He may be able to get your driving while suspended charges reduced, or even dismissed.

What are the penalties for driving with a suspended license in NJ?

  • First offense: $500 fine
  • Second offense: $750 fine and up to five days in jail
  • Third offense: $1,000 fine and up to 10 days in jail
  • Subsequent offenses: $1,000 fine and up to 10 days more jail time than the last offense
  • Any offense involving an accident that causes injury to another: between 45 and 180 days in jail

In most cases, driving while suspended is considered a traffic violation. However, certain circumstances can escalate the charges to a felony. If, for example, this is your second conviction and you originally lost your license due to DUI/DWI, it is considered a felony. This simple distinction makes a significant difference in your penalties and criminal record. You may be looking at up to 18 months in jail and $10,000 in fines. Similarly, it is a felony if you are involved in an accident that kills, or causes serious bodily injury to, another person. All of these offenses also impose an extended period of license suspension.

Driving while suspended charges are common all over NJ, but they are extremely prevalent on the Atlantic City Expressway, the Garden State Parkway and on routes 9, 40, 30 and 206. Driving while suspended charges are often combined with speeding or reckless driving charges. Many times, the speeding or reckless driving was what caused the officer to stop you in the first place. In addition, if you don’t possess vehicle insurance at the time of the stop (also very common) you will get charged with driving without insurance as well.

As you can see, the penalties for driving while on a suspended or revoked license can be extremely severe. However, successful defenses to these charges do exist. You need a talented, knowledgeable attorney with significant experience defending these exact charges on your side because this is a complex, and constantly changing, area of the law. If an attorney has “handled a few of these cases before” it is not the same thing as maintaining a major focus in this exact area.

Atlantic City lawyer John W. Tumelty defends traffic violations all the time, and he does it with great success. Not all criminal defense attorneys have successfully defended countless traffic violation cases. Mr. Tumelty has over 35 years experience in criminal law – everything from speeding tickets to murder. Regardless of the charges you are facing, put his experience to work for you. Mr. Tumelty serves clients in Atlantic City, Cape May, Wildwood, Little Egg Harbor and throughout New Jersey.

If You’ve Been Charged with Driving with a Suspended License, Call Today for a Free Consultation

Mr. Tumelty understands the traffic violations system in New Jersey. He will fight to get your charges reduced or dismissed. Driving while suspended charges can have very severe consequences. Don’t make the mistake of trying to go it alone. If you’ve been charged with any traffic violation, we can help. Mr. Tumelty defends clients throughout New Jersey and he can help you.

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