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AC Attorney Fights Reckless Driving Charges in Atlantic, Cape May and Ocean Counties

Reckless driving is a serious violation in New Jersey. These charges can cost you big money and your freedom. The penalties associated with reckless driving charges include fines, loss of license, probation and increased insurance rates. In New Jersey, where driving is more of a necessity than a luxury, no one can afford to lose their license over reckless driving.

If you’ve been charged with reckless or careless driving, you should contact a criminal defense attorney without delay. Skilled Atlantic City lawyer John W. Tumelty has over 35 years experience in all facets of criminal law, including everything from traffic violations to assault and robbery. His experience as a former prosecutor, along with his in-depth knowledge of criminal defense law, gives him valuable insight into the bigger picture when defending clients against any criminal or traffic charges in New Jersey. Mr. Tumelty has law offices in Atlantic City, Marmora or Somers Point, NJ.

NJ Lawyer Helps to Reduce or Dismiss Reckless and Careless Driving Charges in Cape May, Wildwood and Atlantic City

A police officer can stop you and give you a ticket for reckless driving, whether you were speeding or not. Therefore, evidence of your offense may be non-existent; there’s no radar reading proving you were doing anything wrong. The subjective nature of reckless driving (one person’s word (the cop’s) against your word) gives your attorney a long list of defenses to use when fighting to reduce, or even eliminate, your charges. If the State can’t prove you were driving recklessly, it is possible to walk away from the charges without even receiving a speeding ticket.

Reckless driving charges assume that the driver was willfully disregarding the safety of others. Therefore, “recklessly” driving without knowing that anyone else is in danger (for example, doing donuts in a vacant parking lot, by yourself) is not considered reckless driving. If there were other people in the area that could have been injured, but you were unaware of their presence, this is also a valid defense. However, you must be able to prove you were unaware of the surroundings; John Tumelty will craft a defense on your behalf to prove your innocence. Similarly, for you to be found guilty of reckless driving, law enforcement is also tasked with successfully proving you were aware of the presence of others.

Make no mistake about it, reckless driving charges are serious. You need a skilled attorney on your side. It can mean the difference between jail time and a complete dismissal of charges. Mr. Tumelty serves clients in Atlantic City, Cape May, Wildwood, Little Egg Harbor and throughout New Jersey.

What are the Penalties for Reckless Driving in New Jersey?

In NJ, reckless driving charges can carry a penalty of up to 60 days in jail and a $200 fine. Both fines and jail time can increase with subsequent offenses. If you are found guilty of reckless driving, you will have five points added to your NJ driver’s license record. You’ll lose your license with 12 points.

If you’ve been charged with careless driving, the penalties are not as severe, but you should still consult with an attorney. Careless driving charges are not generally considered a criminal offense, however, they can still add points to your driving record.

Careless and reckless driving charges are quite common in New Jersey, especially in Atlantic and Cape May counties. People visit; they gamble and drink. It’s easy to get a little out of control after a fun time out with friends. In fact, there is a very high incidence of reckless and careless driving tickets given out on the Atlantic City Expressway, the Garden State Parkway, and routes 9, 40, 30 and 206.

Examples of reckless driving:

  • Excessive speed (i.e. driving on the highway at 100 mph)
  • Driving through a red light with a blood alcohol level below the legal limit (0.08 percent)
  • Driving past a stopped school bus with a blood alcohol level below the legal limit
  • Driving erratically through congested traffic

Reckless driving charges can easily be blown out of proportion, especially without the legal representation of an experienced criminal defense attorney. Don’t make the mistake of thinking these charges are no big deal. Two months in jail, fines and the loss of your license is nothing to play around with. Contact Mr. Tumelty today for a free consultation about your reckless driving charges.

If You’ve Been Charged with Reckless or Careless Driving, Contact Us for a Free Consultation

John W. Tumelty has been successfully defending clients against traffic violations – especially DUI/DWI, speeding and reckless driving – for many years. He will walk you through the entire process and give you the best chance at reduced or dropped charges. Reckless driving penalties can be severe. If you’ve been charged with any traffic violation, including driving without insurance, driving while suspended, or distracted driving, call today for a free consultation. Mr. Tumelty serves clients all over New Jersey. Put his experience to work for you.

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