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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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Atlantic City, New Jersey Defense Attorney Successfully Represents Clients Charged with Vehicular Crimes

When a person drives their car recklessly and causes the death of another person, they can be charged with vehicular manslaughter in the State of New Jersey. Even if the death wasn’t intentional, if they are found guilty of vehicular homicide, the driver faces prison time and a permanent criminal record.

If you or someone you love is charged with vehicular manslaughter/homicide, you need an aggressive New Jersey criminal defense lawyer who is fully prepared to take swift action on your behalf. John W. Tumelty can help you. He is a former NJ deputy attorney general and former assistant prosecutor with the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office. For the past over 35 years, however, he has successfully defended people charged with criminal offenses in South Jersey including Atlantic and Cape May counties.

Vehicular manslaughter is a very serious charge; do not take chances with your freedom and rights. Contact Mr. Tumelty today for a free consultation.

What Actions Result in a Vehicular Manslaughter Charge in Atlantic City, NJ?

Vehicular manslaughter is one of the most frequent criminal offenses associated with DUI/DWI. However, in addition to killing someone while driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, you could be facing vehicular manslaughter charges if someone died while you:

  • Fell asleep at the wheel
  • Talked on the cell phone
  • Texted while driving

Vehicular homicide can be charged as a second-degree manslaughter offense, or a first-degree aggravated manslaughter charge depending on the degree of reckless behavior. For example, aggravated manslaughter can be charged if an accident takes place where the driver is acting recklessly while going through a school crossing, on school property, or operating a vehicle on property used for school functions. The level of intoxication from either alcohol or drugs and bad driving are factors that can result in a more serious manslaughter charge.If you are found guilty of manslaughter for driving a vehicle recklessly, you would face five to ten years in state prison and up to $150,000.00 in fines. If you re found guilty of aggravated manslaughter, you face 10 to 35 years in state prison.

Contact John W. Tumelty for Aggressive Representation against Your Vehicular Manslaughter Charges

If you or someone you love are involved in an accident, especially one involving injury or death, it is crucial that you have an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side to represent you immediately. Each case is different and that is why it is imperative that you seek the counsel of experienced NJ criminal defense attorney John W. Tumelty. A former prosecutor and current criminal defense attorney, Mr. Tumelty has spent his entire career fighting for justice. He has successfully represented countless clients who have been charged with vehicular manslaughter/homicide or related offenses in Southern New Jersey.

You can rely on Mr. Tumelty to thoroughly explain your rights and the legal issues you are facing. He personally meets with each and every client and offers free consultations in all criminal defense cases. He will do everything he can to help you attain a favorable resolution in the charges against you.

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