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NJ’s Gun Laws are Strictest in the U.S.; Unlawful Handgun Possession in Atlantic City Carries Severe Penalties

Whether you are a resident or non-resident of New Jersey, NJ gun laws still apply to you. It is illegal to have a handgun in the state without a properly issued New Jersey gun license or permit. New Jersey does not recognize permits and licenses from other states.

If you get stopped by a police officer while passing through New Jersey with a gun and no New Jersey permit or license, you will be arrested and charged with illegal gun possession. There are a variety of gun laws that may apply to your case. They all carry serious penalties including fines and jail time.

If you find yourself in this situation, contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer who knows Atlantic City and Cape May County. John W. Tumelty will fight for you in an effort to get the charges reduced or dismissed. He can also try to get you admitted to Pre-Trial Intervention.

What are the Penalties for NJ Unlicensed Gun Charges?

Possession of a handgun in New Jersey without a legal NJ carry permit is a second degree crime. You’ll be facing jail time of between five and 10 years. If you are convicted, this type of charge is covered under the Graves Act. This means you will have to serve a significant portion of your sentence before you are eligible for parole.

NJ gun laws are serious business. You are literally facing a loss of freedom. Don’t try to fight a charge of handgun possession without an NJ permit alone. Mr. Tumelty is a former prosecutor. He knows how the other side thinks and acts in these cases. Speak to him about your specific circumstances. He has helped countless people, like you, who didn’t even realize how strict NJ laws are – until they got caught in possession of a handgun or pistol without a New Jersey license or permit.

Contact Criminal Defense Lawyer John W. Tumelty for a Free Consultation about Your NJ Gun Charges

It doesn’t even seem fair. You followed all the rules in your state and you believe your handgun is completely legal. After all, you have a license to carry in the state where you live — just not in New Jersey. You may have even heard about the Philadelphia mom who was stopped by a police officer in NJ. After revealing her gun and Pennsylvania carrying permit, she was promptly arrested and was facing up to five years in New Jersey State Prison. Political pressures on the Atlantic County Prosecutor’s Office saved her; she was ordered to go through the NJ Pre-Trial Intervention Program in lieu of jail time.

Contact John W. Tumelty today for a free phone or in-person consultation about your criminal charges. He has offices in Marmora, Atlantic City and Somers Point. Don’t go through this without Mr. Tumelty on your side; he will protect your rights and freedom.

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