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What are the penalties for possession of prescription drugs in NJ?

Prescription drug possession is most commonly classified as a disorderly persons offense (misdemeanor) in New Jersey. This means that if you are arrested by NJ law enforcement for the unlawful possession of a prescription drug, your case will likely be heard at the local municipal court level. If convicted of a disorderly persons offense for illegal prescription drug possession, you could potentially be sentenced to up to six months behind bars in the county jail.

If you are arrested for unlawfully possessing five or more dosage units of a prescription drug, however, you can be charged with a felony-level offense in New Jersey. NJ felony cases are handled in the county superior courts, with county prosecutors often seeking maximum penalties for prescription drug offenses. Convictions for felonies carry severe penalties that may include prison time. For instance, a conviction for fourth degree felony possession of Vicodin could lead to you being sentenced to up to 18 months in NJ state prison.

Free Consultation with Experienced Criminal Lawyer John W. Tumelty About Your Prescription Drug Offense Charges in Atlantic City, NJ

The fact is that New Jersey prosecutors often seek convictions and maximum penalties in drug crime cases in order to send a strong message to anyone who may be involved in illegal narcotics trafficking. Unfortunately, this can also mean that minor drug offenses get overly harsh punishments that include heavy fines, jail time, and a permanent criminal record. In fact, depending on the nature of your drug offense charges, your freedom and your future could both be at stake. Right now, your best line of defense is to hire a qualified NJ criminal defense attorney.

Do you face criminal charges for marijuana possession, cocaine distribution, or prescription drug offenses in Atlantic City, Egg Harbor, Galloway Township, or somewhere else in South Jersey? The Law Offices of John W. Tumelty can help you fight the charges, stay out of prison, and keep your permanent record clear of a drug crime conviction. Contact Mr. Tumelty today to go over the details of your drug offense case and start building a winning defense.

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