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DUI or DWI Defense Attorney in Margate, NJ

Former Prosecutor, now fighting for YOU in the local courts.

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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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DWI or DUI Margate Defense Attorney

Located on Absecon Island, Margate is a city in Atlantic County, New Jersey. Stretching approximately eight blocks from the Atlantic Ocean to the Bay, it’s a popular summer destination for out-of-town tourists.

With Margate’s active summer population, the Margate police charge numerous individuals with DWI offenses each year. Many of these arrests happen on or near the area of Washington Avenue, where several well-known bars and restaurants are frequented by locals and vacationers.

If you or a loved one is charged with a DWI in Margate, you don’t have to plead guilty. A DWI charge can be defeated with the guidance of an experienced attorney.

Criminal defense lawyer John W. Tumelty has successfully defended individuals with DWI charges in Margate Municipal Court for over 35 years. A former state and Atlantic County prosecutor, Mr. Tumelty has a comprehensive understanding of how prosecutors handle DWI cases. With his in-depth knowledge, he can help protect your rights.

How DWI Charges Work in Margate

While some states use driving while intoxicated (DWI) and driving under the influence (DUI) to describe different offenses, DWI is the official legal charge in New Jersey. You can be charged with a DWI in Margate if you’re driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances.

There are different types of DWI charges and penalties in Margate, New Jersey. You can be charged with a DWI if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.08% or higher. If you’re operating a vehicle while intoxicated by liquor or a narcotic, hallucinogenic or habit-producing drug, you can also be charged with a DWI.

Even if you’re not driving a vehicle you own or are in custody of, allowing someone who is intoxicated to drive it can result in a DWI charge against you.

If you’re pulled over by Margate law enforcement for suspicion of driving while intoxicated, they’ll have you perform a number of tests. This can include a Breathalyzer test, which you’re required to do under New Jersey law.

If you refuse, you can still be charged with a DWI. You also can be charged with additional offenses and receive further penalties for refusing the test.

A Margate Defense Lawyer Can Prevent DWI Penalties

The level of your BAC and the type of offense will determine your DWI penalties. If it’s a repeat offense and not a first offense, the consequences can be more severe. Penalties include paying expensive fines, spending time in jail and having your driver’s license suspended or revoked.

These penalties don’t have to be part of your story. There are many effective defenses to a DWI charge, even if your BAC is above the legal limit.

As a Criminal Trial Attorney Certified by the New Jersey Supreme Court, John W. Tumelty can strategize a strong defense against your charges. He has a proven track record of winning DWI cases and the experience and knowledge to defend your freedoms.

Call him 24/7 at 609-385-4010 about your DWI case in Margate, or send him a message today.

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