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Former State Prosecutor and Criminal Trial Attorney

Former State Prosecutor

Former Atlantic County Prosecutor

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Experienced for over 35 years

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What happens if I’m convicted of drunk driving in another state? What if I live in another state and I’m convicted of a DWI in New Jersey?

New Jersey motorists are required to obey NJ traffic laws – even when they are operating a motor vehicle in another state. That’s because New Jersey is part of the Driver License Compact, an interstate agreement between 45 states to forward information about license suspensions and traffic violations to motorists’ home states. (The association’s theme is “One Driver, One License, One Record.”) This means that a New Jersey resident who is convicted of drunk driving in New York or Pennsylvania, for instance, will still face license suspension and other penalties in New Jersey. Additionally, an out-of-state DWI will be placed on your NJ driving record, so that a later conviction for a DWI or DUI will count as a second offense and carry enhanced penalties.

Similar to how NJ residents must obey New Jersey traffic laws in other states, residents of New York, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts must obey the traffic laws in their home states – even while driving in New Jersey. If you are a New York resident traveling through NJ for work, or while on vacation, and you are busted for drunk driving, your NY driver’s license could be suspended.

Free Consultation with an Aggressive DWI Defense Lawyer About Your Drunk Driving Charges in Atlantic City, New Jersey

John W. Tumelty is an aggressive criminal and DWI defense attorney who has more than 35 years of experience representing clients in municipal courts throughout Atlantic County and Cape May County, NJ. If you face drunk driving charges in Atlantic City, Galloway Township, Egg Harbor, or anywhere else in New Jersey, you need a tenacious litigator like Mr. Tumelty on your side and helping you to avoid the most severe DWI/DUI penalties.

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