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Are there any defenses that can be raised against a prostitution or solicitation charge in NJ?

Prostitution and solicitation, both of which are defined under New Jersey law as engaging in “sexual activity” with another person in exchange for money, are typically interpreted very broadly by NJ prosecutors. While most prostitution charges involve people buying or selling sexual intercourse, the broad interpretation of the criminal statute means that a person can also be charged with prostitution or solicitation for acts such as fondling, masturbation, or a lap dance.

The bad news is that it is easy for a prosecutor to file prostitution charges and solicitation charges and seek penalties that may include jail time and heavy fines. However, the good news is that it might also be possible to raise strong defenses against a prostitution or solicitation charge in New Jersey. For instance, if no money changed hands during the alleged transaction, it may be tougher for the prosecution to meet its burden of proof and get a conviction for prostitution or solicitation. Another potential defense against a prostitution or solicitation charge in NJ is entrapment, especially if the police used questionable tactics during an undercover sting operation to investigate and arrest suspects in a prostitution case.

Aggressive Criminal Defense Attorney John Tumelty Can Help You Avoid a Sex Crime Conviction in Egg Harbor, NJ

The reality is that New Jersey prosecutors won’t hesitate to seek maximum penalties in felony sex crime cases. Depending on your specific charges, this could mean that you will be subject to a lengthy term of incarceration in prison, as well as sex offender registration requirements under Megan’s Law. Regardless of the circumstances, a sex crime conviction may have disastrous consequences for your future.

If you face sexual offense charges in Atlantic City, Hammonton, Pleasantville, or elsewhere in South Jersey, you want experienced criminal attorney John Tumelty on your side. Mr. Tumelty is the founding partner of the Law Offices of John W. Tumelty and has previous experience as a New Jersey state prosecutor and as an Atlantic County prosecutor. In fact, Mr. Tumelty has more than 35 years of criminal law experience in NJ. Contact him today to go over your charges and explore your best options for avoiding a conviction.

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